Sunday, October 24, 2010

A girl after my own heart!

Today I brought Lauren and Jeremy each a doughnut for a Sunday morning treat. Lauren cruised through her orange-iced, black sprinkled cake doughnut and quickly began eyeing Jeremy eating his apple fritter.

"Can I have a bite?" she said.
"What do you say, babe?" asked Jeremy.
"Two bites!" she said.

I like how she thinks!

Also, she asks for a little cup of water every night before bed. The other night, I was nearly out the door when she remembered to ask for her water. "Can I have some water?" she asked. After a moment, "I mean... juice?"

Nice try! She did get the water, though.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

I've been getting worse and worse about writing these lately. It's not that Lauren isn't saying cute and funny things constantly, because she is, but I'm letting life intervene a little too much. I value writing these things down and need to make it more of a priority!

Right now, Lauren is really loving Halloween. She received a gorgeous hand-painted lamp with a Halloween witch motif from my stepmom Suzie the other day and just loves it. I decided to take the inspiration and do some decorating this weekend, so we have all kinds of pumpkins and witches and skulls and fake spiderwebs all over the main rooms of the house. She loves the decorations and tells everyone about them and has even taken to pointing out decorations when she sees them on our drives too and from daycare. I think this is going to be a good year.

She is going to be a butterfly, by the way. I took her to the store and let her choose what she wants to be, and that was it. The wings are nearly as big as she is, but she just had to have them. Many pictures to come, of course.

The other thing she's really excited about is that I found a Tigger template for our pumpkin. She's still really into Tigger and Pooh, so this was right up her alley.

She can sing the entire Tigger song now ("The wonderful thing about Tiggers..." one) and is so cute. I might have to try to catch it on video, with the only problem being that she tends to bounce out of the room when she sings it!