Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A flair for the dramatic

As Lauren is getting older, I'm seeing more and more of a tendency towards being a little dramatic. I call it her "Drama Monkey" mode. If she's the least bit sad about something, she adopts this droopy body posture and sad face and walks around the house, sighing. It's hysterical.

Never was this more evident than last night. She and I watched the movie "Annie" which she really seemed to enjoy. I tried to explain parts along the way, and I think she got the gist of the movie. I made sure to make it clear that it was a happy ending. After it was over, though, she went into "Drama Monkey" mode. She was so limp with sadness that I had to carry her upstairs. I kept asking her what was wrong, but she'd only sigh, "I'm sad." I asked her what she wanted for dinner, but she just kept burying her face in the couch as she sagged up against it. Finally, a good tickling from Daddy set her back right.

The other day, she was standing on the two dining chairs (as she's not supposed to) and somehow fell down between them. Her quote to Jeremy as he asked if she was okay? "I need a band-aid. My ankle fell off."

Monday, November 1, 2010

My little love

Yesterday, Lauren and I were snuggled on the chair while Jeremy watched football. Out of the blue, she said, "I love you, Mama." My heart melted into a little puddle. It's the first time she's ever said it without me saying it first. Boy, was that sweet!

Yesterday was Halloween and she really enjoyed herself. We got her dressed around 5:30 and went out to the neigborhood for about 45 minutes. She really seemed to enjoy it, but still seemed a little tentative about the whole deal. She was good about saying her thank yous, but forgot 'trick or treat' a few times. Once she just said, "Candy!" and reached for the bowl the person was holding. I understand the feeling. :)