Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I had pretty much forgotten about the existence of this blog, so imagine my surprise when I randomly ran across the address tonight! What a joy it has been to reread all of the funny, sweet, and maddening things Lauren has done over the years, and I would like to get back in the habit of writing here. Lauren is now 8 and is the most amazing little girl. She's so bright and curious and keeps us on our toes constantly. I get comments quite often about how people pretty much read my Facebook only to see what Lauren has said recently! She has the most amazing questions and quirky little thoughts; I'll have to share some of them here. Andrew is nearly 4 and is coming into his own as a growing little person. He's the sweetest, most loving little boy and is all about his mom. Or "Mister Piggy," as he calls me these days. He loves trucks and trains and will enthusiastically point out all of the larger vehicles as you drive down the road. I'll come back in the next couple of days and do a deeper update on both kids, mostly for my own record-keeping. They're growing so fast, and I would love to be able to remember this time!