Monday, September 13, 2010

Lauren's Day

Lauren is having quite the vocal day. I'm constantly in awe of the things she says and today is one of those days where it feels like she's just so articulate the whole day. Of course, this is all through a child's lens, so some of it is pretty funny.

- First example, the very first thing she said to me this morning: She was wide awake when I went in at 6:45 and I had heard her talking for a few minutes. I was greeted with a huge smile. "Mommy?" she said, "Did you hear me tooting? I was tooting and tooting and tooting!"

- This afternoon she was playing outside and was out of view for a minute or two and then suddenly came walking back. In a very unconcerned tone, she said, "Mommy, I think the bee might have done this to me." She walked up and she had a huge bee stinger sticking out of her ankle! I told her she'd been stung by a bee and we pulled out the stinger. Aside from a little puffiness at her ankle, she had no other symptoms, so she seems to have weathered the first beet sting of her life! I was just amazed that she didn't cry and really wasn't upset at all. The way she told me was just so... adult.

- We were standing outside and suddenly this huge sphere comes hurtling out of the sky. After a moment, I realized it was a squirrel when it got up and ran back up a tree. We both laughed and then she starting telling me about it, "The squirrel fell down, out of the tree, and then he hit the ground, and then he was dead." She was outside with me a few weeks ago when there was a dead squirrel in the yard, so I was waiting for it to pop back up. Here it was! She didn't seem bothered by it, though, and went on about her business.

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