Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mom Time

Lauren and I have been spending a ton of quality time together lately, since Jeremy is out of town for work. He was gone last week and now this week and then also next. Then, he'll be home for two weeks and then gone again. Luckily, Miss Lauren has been super cooperative and just a good girl in general, so it's not been too hard.

One cute thing was yesterday when we were watching a replay of So You Think You Can Dance. We've watched and rewatched the same episodes again and again and she's beginning to request them by her own little names. Yesterday, she was sitting on my lap and said, "Mommy, tie your shoes." I was barefoot, and so had no idea what she was talking about. She said it two more times after that and I just didn't know what she meant. Finally, she said, "My-my-my-my-my tie my shoes!" The lightbulb came on and I realized she was talking about a dance to "Boogie Shoes" by KC and The Sunshine Band. It's one of her favorites. I love that she figured out how to tell me what she wanted!

We did have a scare on Tuesday, when she had another of her febrile seizures. This was her third and came out of nowhere. She wasn't coming out of it very well and had pretty blue lips and so I called 911. We ended up going to the hospital and getting her checked out. Other than a high fever, she was fine in just a couple of hours. It was actually a little funny: she went from totally zonked out sleeping to being very irritated with the whole hospital thing. She really wanted to take off the monitor on her finger and kept asking to get down. Typical Lauren: ready to be busy and do her own independent thing!

I don't know if it's because of that scare or being home with me, but she's been really affectionate. She keeps giving me hugs and saying, "I missed you!" She's also been giving lots of kisses and hugs and being very sweet. Today, she gave me the biggest hug and said, "I love you soooo much!" It really feels like she's doing more than mimicking too; it seems she really means it! I love it.

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