Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cutie Pie Redux

Lauren has said a couple of cute/amazing things lately, and I wanted to share them:

- We were walking in downtown Edmonds, and she pointed up at a house and said, "That's the 'merican flag." I had no idea she knew that! Must have picked it up from Miss VJ.

-We went blueberry picking and had a blast. She got a little tired at the end and didn't want to walk back to the car, but only because she did a lot of great picking in the hot sun! She ate and ate and picked and picked... it was so much fun.

Anyway, I made a bunch of muffins that night, including regular-sized and mini. The next morning, I picked her up and showed them sitting on the counter. I asked her, "Do you want the mini muffins, or...?" and she interrupted, saying, "These are Minnie muffins. These are Mickey muffins. These are Donald muffins." I love seeing her sense of humor!

-Today, she put all her babies and stuffed animals in her bed and was singing to them. I said, "You're a good mommy!" She said, "No! YOU'RE a good mommy!" Awww...

-Finally, she's been really great at saying "I love you too" lately. It's sweet, especially since I think she's starting to understand what it means.

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