Saturday, August 14, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame...

Today Lauren and I joined Jeremy in Burien, south of Seattle, to watch a softball tournament he was playing in. The first priority for Lauren was to get on her white and pink Cardinals jersey, pink shorts, pink Crocs, and pink Mariners hat. (I should mention that that hat was purchased for her when she was 3 months old and while it still fits, it doesn't fit well.) She found her pink bat and pink glove (sensing a trend?) and away we went!

As the team got ready for the team, Lauren was very proud to walk around and show off her outfit and gear. A couple of times she even showed us a couple of practice swings, which frankly looked pretty good. You just had to be out of her way, as her eye was on the imaginary ball. She had a bit of a difficult time when she realized she wasn't going to be able to play, but she enjoyed watching and cheering and picking dandelions, so it all worked out. The ice cream during the second game helped tremendously. It was one tired little girl that finally wound down and went to bed tonight!

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