Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kindergarten Girl!

Yesterday Lauren and I got the paperwork all ready and went down to her future elementary school to get her all ready for Kindergarten. Can you believe it? She's now all registered and will hopefully begin full-day K in September.

If the school doesn't change things up, she'll have a very young male teacher named Mr. Villalobos, or Mr. V. I've heard really good things about him and think that Lauren will do well with a male teacher, so here's hoping things stay the same.

I tried to make a big deal out of all of this yesterday by talking it up and taking her for a special lunch. I think she's getting pretty excited. About an hour after we put her to bed last night, she got up, saying she couldn't sleep. I marched her back up to bed and told her to close her eyes and think of something. I suggested swimming, but she cut me off saying, "No. I want to think of Kindergarten." Isn't that sweet? She stayed in bed, too.

Speaking of swimming, Lauren is really doing well there. She just finished her first round of her P2 class and already has been promoted to P3. After three rounds of P1, I wasn't sure she'd make it out in just one, but she did! She's close to swimming independently; she can do a few strokes after her teacher gets her started and kind of pushes her off. She can also float front and back and can turn from one to the other. I'm really excited and proud to see how her skills have developed over time!

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