Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lauren has had so many cute things to say lately, I can barely keep up!

-Her new thing is "voila!" which comes out as an enthusiastic "WA-LA!!" Not sure where she heard that one.

-We were putting her tub toys away and she said, "The truth is, this is my favorite one." To my complete lack of surprise, it was the pink one.

-Yesterday we were trying to get Lauren to clean her room. I was downstairs when Lauren came down to join me. After a few minutes, Jeremy came down as well. It turns out that she was hiding out downstairs, trying to avoid the cleaning. When we fussed at her for not doing as we'd asked, she starting telling me that Daddy was being "mean" to her and that "he told (her) to leave the house!" She is quick on her feet when she needs to be!

She still cleaned her room, by the way.

-She's all into telling knock-knock jokes right now, but they're not so... complete. They go something like:

L: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
L: (She looks around) Car.
Me: Car who?
L: Car... stinky feet! Don't touch the potty!

-She also tells everyone now that her name is Machine-La. Not sure where that came from, but it's her new name.

-She also is alternately into Friendship Day (complete with banners hung in the living room), her "first Easter hunt!", and going to Disneyworld. Sometimes she talks about all three at once. Between that and her new nickname, it makes conversations with other people quick interesting.

I'm really enjoying watching Lauren interact with the world. She is so creative and cute and way more outgoing than I was at that age. I think she's going to be great in kindergarten!

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