Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dancing Queen

Last night, Lauren went with Jeremy and me to her first wedding. My college roommate Lindy was married and it was a very nice time. Perfect wedding to take a child to: simple, short (but lovely) ceremony, kid-friendly food on the buffet, and best of all, a shiny big dance floor.

First, Lauren and her two new friends Henry and Violet, ran around and around and around the floor, shrieking and laughing. Then, they took to jumping up and down, and in Lauren's case, pulling up her dress.

Then, as in all weddings, the music came on. After I restrained her through the first family dances, she took off. She leaped and danced and whirled and basically boogied down without stopping. She would take my hands or Jeremy's hands or both and twist and jump. She kept taking the bottom, fluffy layer of her dress and pick it up so the skirt popped up and even managed to put that into her dancing. In other words, she had a ball! It was difficult to get her to leave and she was one tired girl when we got home. I have a feeling it won't be hard to convince her to go to our next wedding this summer.

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