Friday, May 7, 2010

Expressing Herself

I know I keep saying this, but Lauren's language development in these last months just blows me away. Not only is she understanding and using the more complex forms in her speech, but her pronunciation and enunciation are just amazing. Of course, I am her mom, and I'm sure that I understand her better than your average bystander, but I really do think she speaks clearly (and thoughtfully) for her age.

Last night, I was holding her in my arms and she suddenly whacked me on the face with her fist. Startled, I said, "Lauren! What are you doing?" "Using a hand hammer, Mama!" Now, it's not okay that she hit me and I dealt with that pretty swiftly, but you have to admit, 'hand hammer' is actually pretty descriptive. I'm such a language nerd that my kid hits me and I find something cool about it. Ridiculous.

Yesterday, as we were leaving daycare, I was talking to VJ as we were headed out the gate. I wasn't paying any attention and started to shut the gate with Lauren's finger in it. She was trying to touch the hinge, I think. I felt absolutely awful and she cried and cried. I went ahead and got her in the car to try to distract her as she didn't seem that hurt, more afraid. After a few minutes of driving, she said, "My finger feels better, Mama. Can I have some ice cream?" Way to work it, kid. She owns me!

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