Sunday, May 30, 2010

Funny Girl

As I say time and time again, Lauren's language is developing more and mroe evey day. It's often pretty funny, too. For example:

- We were all in the kitchen and I was eating a handful of almonds. "I love nuts," I said to Jeremy. Lauren then says in a sing-song voice, "I love nuts. I love the bedroom. I love bed."

- That same night, Jeremy and I were chatting and he shushed me playfully. Lauren said, "Daddy! Why you shhhh Mommy?" She's looking out for me I guess!

On a not-cute note, I got to watch Lauren turn into a demon the other day. I arrived at VJ's just in time to see her push her friend Chloe. Chloe kind of pulled a toy out of Lauren's hand. Lauren's cheeks turned red, her eyes got really big, and I swear she bared her teeth at Chloe, all before pushing her. I wasn't amused, but was amazed at how quickly her face changed like that!

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