Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Smart!

I had one of those moments today where I was just bursting with pride over how smart Lauren is.

One of the best parts of my day is our drive home from VJ's. I love chatting with Lauren about her day, hearing how she thinks and how she's using the language. I try to ask her specifics about what she colored or designed with Play-doh, who she played with, and what songs they sang. She probably hates the interrogation, but I love it!

Today, there was a lull in the conversation, so I started telling her about opposites. I told her that night is the opposite of day, that black is the opposite of white, etc. Then I asked her what she thought the opposite of big is. After a few moments of her not answering, I told her that small is the opposite of big. I then asked her what the opposite of wet is. Again, she didn't answer, so I told her that it's dry. Then I asked her what the opposite of big is. "Small!", she said instantly. "Dry!", she said when I asked her for the opposite of wet. She remembered what I said well.

The best part was when we got home. I asked her what the opposite of up is, which I hadn't asked her before. After a moment, she said down! In that short time, she understood the concept of opposite! I also asked her what the opposite of happy is and she said sick. I think that's pretty smart.

I just love watching her brain work!

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