Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bedtime Ritual

Lauren is a child that likes structure and her bedtime routine is no different. She really seems to like going to bed, but just has a certain way of going about it.

She's in bed every night between 7 and 7:30, unless it's an extremely special occasion. After dinner, we wipe her hands and face with a washcloth and she heads towards the bathroom while we sing the toothbrushing song from Raffi. She does a decent job of brushing her teeth and then I take a few swipes at them to finish her off.

Then, we head back to her room and she gets into her diaper (for now, fingers crossed) and pjs. Then, we read two or three stories, depending on the length. Right now, her favorites are Green Eggs and Ham, Tickety-Tock What Time Is It? (a perennial favorite), and Curious George and The Bunny. Minnie's Slumber Party and Donald Duck's Some Ducks Have All The Luck are also favorites. They're also both really long, but she loves them!

Once we've read, we put her into her "sleeping bag", aka her Pack N Play (for now) and pile on the blankets. She must have three: her favorite pink "blankie" on the bottom, another pink blanket with a silky edge next, and finally, the butterfly comforter. Once she's all tucked in, she requests a little water. Finally, with all of that, she goes to sleep.

And if that's what we have to do to make it that easy, I'm happy to do it!

Something cute from tonight: She went over and picked out her first book and said, "This is good. To start."

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