Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Conversationalist

Lauren is a fairly shy little girl, like I was as a child. When she meets new people, mostly adults, she gets really clingy and hides behind my leg. After a little time, she'll warm up and once she warms up, she'll talk their ear off! With children, she is decidedly more friendly from the get-go, but still takes a while to get warmed up.

Lately, though, she seems to be really making an effort to talk to adults. Today, she started a new Little Gym class with a new teacher, and I wasn't sure how she'd handle that. As soon as we walked in, she went right up to the new teacher and said, "My name is Law-wen! This is Sarah!" I was proud of her and her introduction-making. Of course, she followed up with her, "My mom takes me outside!" Once they got into class, she even plopped right down on his lap. Guess she's okay with the change!

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