Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Lauren Collection

As usual, I have gotten totally overwhelmed with school ending in the last two weeks and have thus neglected my blogging duties. I've been conscientious about writing down funny things she's said, though, so I have some material.

-In the "She'd have been thrilled if she heard that" department, today as she was walking into church in her rain coat and pink backpack, a young teenage boy behind her said in a faux whisper, "She looks like Dora the Explorer!" Unfortunately, she didn't hear him.

-The other day when I was getting into the front seat after strapping her in, Lauren said, "Mama, can I drive?"

-She's really making an effort to make conversation with everyone lately, which is cute. Normally, she likes to randomly tell people, "My mom and dad take me outside." I guess she tells VJ's son Denver that every day. The other day as we were leaving the vet, she turned and said, "Thank you for seeing my dog." I thought that was brilliant!

-Every night when she finishes dinner, we wipe her hands with a washcloth. The other night, she folded it in half and then half again so that it was a long strip. She then rolled it up and said, "Look! A snail!"

-She has a kid's cookbook that she absolutely adores. She leafs through it every day, looking at the pictures. The other day, she was sitting and looking at it. "Mama?," she said, "Can we make cookies?" I told her no, that we were about to make dinner. "Can we make cookies for dinner?" I wish I could have said yes!

-I made two seemingly small purchases at Target that have just rocked her world:

1.)I found a hula hoop that was just her size. She has had the best time trying to figure out how to use it. When she's not making attempt after attempt to spin it around her waist, she loves to put it on the floor and jump in and out of it.

2.)I found a little step stool in their $1 bin. After about an hour of having it home, she took it into the bathroom and pottied all by herself! She even told Jeremy to stay out! She hasn't been interested in pottying at all, but this evidently was what she wanted! Hopefully, this will take!

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