Monday, February 22, 2010


Lauren has developed a friendship with a little girl at daycare and it's really quite sweet. It's fun to watch her have a friend and not just someone she happens to sit next to as she plays.

Chloe is her name and she's three, about six months older than Lauren. She has gorgeous red, curly hair and blue eyes and is always smiling. She's been going to VJ's for at least the last year or so, but I wouldn't have really called them friends, though I'm sure they played together. It's really just been in the last few months that they play mostly with one another and are so excited to see each other. They insist on hugging every time they meet; the other day Chloe didn't hug Lauren right away and Lauren sobbed like her heart was broken.

Of course, it's not always sunshine and roses between the two. VJ told me yesterday that they fight every so often about toys they're playing with, but that's totally normal. No relationship between two people is always perfect, right?

I talked with Chloe's mom the other day about getting the two together outside of daycare, so hopefully we'll be able to do that. Chloe only comes three days a week and Lauren is always sad when she's not there. We have to cultivate this little friendship!

Editing 2/23:
I have to add this from tonight's conversation with Lauren:

"Lauren, how old are you?"

Long pause.

"I'm two."

"That's right!"

"Chloe's, like, four."

Chloe's always on her mind, I guess.

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