Monday, February 22, 2010

A Crisis in Lauren's World

Lauren has never, ever had separation anxiety. She's not that kid that cries and hangs on my leg and begs me not to leave her. Whenever we arrive at daycare, I can barely get her to stop long enough to give me a quick kiss goodbye, she's in such a hurry to run and play. Whenever we've left her with sitters, she's not at all worried about us leaving and is really cool as she says goodbye.

So tonight it was a total shock when she absolutely lost her marbles when I had to leave to go to book club. I hadn't really told her I was leaving, but I never really have had to do that, as she's never cared. I had her in her seat eating her dinner as I made final dinner preparations and once Jeremy came home I was letting him know what next steps he needed to take with her and dinner. My friend then showed up to carpool and I told Lauren I was leaving. She absolutely lost it!

She started insisting that she get on her coat too, and I kept telling her that, no, she was staying with Daddy and that he'd put her to bed. She said she didn't want her Daddy to put her to bed, she wanted her coat. In order to give her a better hug, I let her out of her seat and she took off for the front door, looking for her coat. Again, I told her she wasn't going and that I'd see her later. She then tried to get between me and the door. Jeremy tried to distract her, but I could hear her screaming and tugging at the door as I was walking away. I felt terrible, but knew she'd be fine once I was out of sight.

Except she wasn't. When I came home, Jeremy told me that it had continued for a good ten minutes with her insisting that she needed her shoes, she needed to "zip up", Jeremy needed his jacket, that he needed to "zip up." She physically moved him to being in front of the door so that he could open it. She said lots of "Pleeeaaassee" and "Open door!", trying to wheedle him to let her chase after me. Finally, Jeremy managed to distract her with some of her play food, though even that she insisted she needed to "put in car" to go find me.

So, I'm not sure what that was all about, but here's hoping it doesn't happen again anytime soon!

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