Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Confusion with the Presidents

First, Lauren called the University of North Carolina symbol "President Obama" (which she still does, by the way) and now she's having some confusion about the Father of our Nation.

Last week, at VJ's, she colored a picture of George Washington which then had cotton balls glued on as hair (by VJ, I'm sure). Lauren had colored George brown, and when I asked her about him, she told me it was "Charles, with new hair." Charles is Miss VJ's husband. They are Sri Lankan, so Lauren was close in her choice of crayon color, but the "new hair" is definitely not what Charles is sporting these days. I just thought it was an oddity and laughed it off.

Last night, we went to Valentine's dinner with Jeremy's dad and stepmom and she received a card from them with three $1 bills in it. When we asked her who was on the dollar, she said, "Charles!" It's evidently quite firmly in her mind.

I wonder who she'd say Teddy Roosevelt is?

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