Saturday, February 13, 2010

Growing Girl

We've had a really busy week here, just going about the normal activities. A few highlights:

-After a short hiatus, Lauren's appetite has returned. There were a few weeks where she just wasn't eating much. I wasn't too worried, just figuring that it was part of her growth cycle and that it would return. Boy, has it! The other night, she ate 5 chicken nuggets with "dip" (ranch dressing), about 3/4 of a cup of mixed veggies, and two slices of cantaloupe. Top it off with a cup of milk, and you have quite the dinner for a kiddo!

-The next morning, I could have sworn she'd grown. She likes to sit on my laps in the morning and snuggle while she drinks her juice. The other morning, she just felt bigger sitting in my lap: her head was at the very top of my shoulder and her feet extend way off my lap. I don't know when she's turned into such a big girl!

- I had the same thought yesterday when I turned to look at her in her carseat and she just looked so big! She's certainly looking more and more like a 3 year old!

- Speaking of eating, I was trying to get her to eat some yogurt the other day, but she didn't want it for some reason. Finally, she started trying to feed it to me saying, "It's good for you!" Wonder where she got that?

- Jeremy has had a really busy work week and has been getting home late, just getting a few minutes with her before bed. The other morning, he was leaving for work and was saying goodbye to her. She said, "Bye, Daddy! Thanks for coming." Eeek.

- She had her Funny Bugs class this morning and did pretty well. She coninued to roam around the room and not quite complete the activities as she was supposed to, but she's only 2 and is learning. It's fun to watch her have a good time and explore!

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