Sunday, February 7, 2010

Funny Bug

We had quite the crazy weekend here with Lauren getting dragged around quite a bit, but I'm happy to report she was quite the trooper.

One fun thing for her was her first Funny Bugs class at Little Gym. The Funny Bugs class is really for 3-4 year olds, but the instructor seemed to think she'd handle it just fine. One HUGE difference between this and Super Beasts is that Mom and Dad don't get to go in with her. She's on her own to follow directions and try things without us. I think this probably made me more nervous than she!

Overall, she did really great. They have a little starting activity where they sing a song and share their names. She appeared to do all of that, though we couldn't hear. Then they get into their "trains" (hands on the shoulders of the kid in front of them) and go into their rotations. Each rotation is made up like a little obstacle course where they have certain skills to do in a row. The teacher demonstrates and then they are supposed to practice one after another. Lauren would generally try to follow the directions, get confused as to where she was supposed to be, and then wander into another rotation. One of the teachers (there are 4 in there) would spot her and get her back on track. I'd say she tried about 70% of the different skills. She jumped, she rolled, she kind of tried the crab walk, and she could hang but not swing so well. In due time.

Mostly, this was just an exercise in giving her some independence and letting her try things on her own. She passed with flying colors, and we just really enjoyed getting to see our little bird out of the nest. Can't wait to see how she does next week!

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