Thursday, March 4, 2010

In One Month...

Lauren will be three. I can't believe it! She's grown so much in the last year that it seems as if five years have gone by and yet, none at all. When she turned two, she just had a few words and was really figuring out how to use her body. Now, she talks all the time and uses more complex speech every day. Being in Gymboree and now Little Gym have been a huge help for her learning all the different things her body can do. She runs, jumps, and climbs with full confidence now, not that I love that all the time.

There's a lot about her that hasn't changed, though. She's still a smart, inquisitive little girl that greets each new day with excitement. Well, once she has some juice, that is! She independent and yet vastly loving; stubborn and yet happy to please. She's a wonderful girl and I can't wait to see what all she accomplishes next!

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