Monday, March 29, 2010

With Flying Colors!

We had a very busy family day today which culminated in Lauren's 3-year checkup. She was cute, engaging, and most importantly, very healthy! She weighed 32.6 pounds and was measured at 36 inches, though I'd argue that she's closer to 37. Her height and weight are both great, according to the doctor.

Other than that, everything checked out just great. Ears, eyes, nose, heart, lungs, reflexes all fine. Teeth great. Meeting all her milestones and exceeding some others. Really, she couldn't be better and we couldn't be happier! And to top it off, she didn't need any shots!

Pottytraining day 3 continued today and it was just fabulous. We were out and about all day, so we had her in Pull-ups and just kept dragging her to the public restrooms. She never went in the Pull-up, always on the toilet, and seemed to be controlling it well. I'm just thrilled! Tomorrow she goes back to daycare and they'll continue the potty-training with her there. Crossing my fingers!

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