Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Still at 100%!

Lauren went back to VJ's today and used the potty today with zero accidents! I'm so proud of her and, more importantly, she's proud of herself! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

I discovered today how truly difficult she is to shop for. Not for clothes, because she frankly couldn't care less about what I put her in. It's toys and other related things that are hard. She just doesn't like anything enough that I can look at it and say THAT'S IT! We bought a bike for her birthday (and she's not even that keen on that, yet) and another family member offered to put some money towards it that basically covered the whole thing. We decided that we needed to get her at least a little something else, something just from us. So, we tooled around two different, gorgeous toy stores looking for just the right thing.

And kept looking and kept looking...

She doesn't really love dolls. She doesn't love stuffed animals. She doesn't love cars. She loves books and puzzles, but she has a ton and I knew she might be getting some for her birthday. ... She just doesn't love anything, at least not to the extent of something she MUST HAVE. I'm glad, of course, that she's not whining every day for some plastic something that's the next big thing, but she could at least throw me a bone!

Finally, on the very top shelf, I found IT. I don't know what to call it, exactly, but it's a big bouncy ball with a handle that she can sit on and bounce. Actually, thanks to the powers of the Internet, I found a photo. I think she'll love it: she loves bouncing, and she loves pretending that she's Tigger. Also, she is a little behind in her gross motor skills related to jumping, so I think this will help. Perfect all around!

Now to see what she actually thinks...

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