Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Been A While...

I've had my head buried in work lately, so haven't updated for a week. Of course, she's still been very sweet and funny this whole time, so I have a couple of updates!

-Tonight, I swear the child turned into a whirling dervish. We were coming home from Gymboree, ready to have dinner and get her to bed. When we got home, she wanted to stay outside and pick flowers. Jeremy came out and stayed with her while I went inside to start dinner. After a few minutes, I heard an approaching wail. Jeremy came into the house, carrying a red-faced, crying girl. He wanted her to come in for dinner and she was quite unhappy about that. She cried and cried and then cried some more. She even tried pushing Jeremy back towards the door so he'd let her out.

After a couple of minutes, it was clear that she wasn't calmig down and was in fact acting nastier and nastier. So, Jeremy went to put her in timeout so she could settle down. He had her sit down in her normal spot and started the two minute timer. Immediately, she started crying, "I don't want a timeout! I don't want a timeout!" She did this for literally 1 minute and 40 seconds of her time in timeout, only settling right before it was time to get up. Once she got up, she asked to be left alone for a couple minutes, which we did. She then asked for a snuggle, which we obliged, and finally her dinner. She was off to bed a little later than normal tonight, but was much calmer by the time she got there.

-She went to her first real kid's birthday party on Saturday. It was her little friend Evander, who was turning three. The party was held at an "equestrian center" which was essentially a farm set up for parties. There was a little party room in the hayloft, a petting area with all sorts of animals, little tractors for them to ride, and pony rides.

Lauren got kind of a bad start when there was someone dressed up as a rabbit in the party room. She wasn't crying or anything, but definitely was keeping an eye on him. After that, she wasn't too keen to participate in much. She really didn't want to eat, though she did perk up when there were cupcakes. Of course. She waited patiently in line for a pony ride, but then didn't want to ride when it came time. She wanted to ride the tractors, but only a little. She didn't want to pet the animals and in fact seemed scared of the baby ducks and the little chicks. She wasn't upset; she just didn't want to.

Of course, true to form, she did surprise us in the end. She didn't want to pet all the little, cute animals, but when she got the chance to go pet the miniature donkey, she went right in and happily petted and talked to him. She's a funny kid sometimes!

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