Sunday, March 28, 2010


We've been trying potty-training off and on for more than a year. We've had the potty around for her to see and get used to and have occasionally tried a weekend where we've made a big push. Lauren just hasn't been into it, though, and you don't want to force things with her. The second you start pushing her to potty is the second she quits on you, so we've taken some time on this.

I had been intending to try again this weekend for a while, since it's the beginning of Spring Break. It just seemed to be a good time, especially since she's about to turn three. And then yesterday, at Little Gym, we saw her disappear into the bathroom. I ran through the gym and into the bathroom to find her, pants down with diaper still on, sitting on the potty! I figured that she probably saw the other kids using it and wanted to try. So, we've been trying these last two days and it's going well. She's had two accidents each day, early on, but seems to be getting the hang of it. She even went on her own this afternoon! I could have done the dance of joy! I'm not totally sure it will stick this time, but this is progress, and I'm just thrilled.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like peer pressure to change behaviour! Good on ya, Lauren. She'll get the hang of it over the break.....and that will be that.
