Sunday, March 7, 2010

So Who Am I Talking To Today?

The really fun thing Lauren is up to lately is getting into is imaginary play. Her kitchen and cooking tools are great for her right now because she really loves "cooking" us all sorts of food like cookies, milkshakes, and sandwiches. She also loves to play-clean, which of course I love!

The funniest thing right now is how much she loves pretending to be different characters. I frankly never know whom I've talking to. Little Bear? Ruby? Max? Tigger? It seems to depend on her moods a bit, but also on what she's seen most recently. Tigger seems to be a favorite in the morning, which is great because I can get her to bounce out to the car rather easily. In the evenings, she's most often Ruby, with Jeremy as Max and me as Mrs. Huffington. It's funny to see her actually take on some of the traits of the different characters; she really seems to get their personalities.

This is definitely one of my favorite things about her todderhood. I'm enjoying see her use her imagination and experiencing the world around her in different ways.

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