Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So She Really IS Listening!

Lauren has learned all sorts of neat little things at VJ's, including the Pledge of Allegiance, the five senses, and how to call 911. You have to imagine them with a little bit of a two-year-old filter, of course, but it's surprising how well she does them.

Another of the cute things is that she can answer questions about George Washington:

"Who was the first president of the United States?"
"George Washington."
"When was he born?"
"What does he wear on his head?"
"White wigs."

Well, that's what she's supposed to say, anyway. Yesterday, she was telling me that it was "white legs" and there was just no convincing her otherwise!

When Jeremy came home, I tried to get Lauren to say all of the above so that he could hear the "white legs" part. In typical Lauren fashion, though, she refused to recite on demand, so I was just telling him about it. When I got to the "white legs" part, Lauren suddenly interrupts and says, "That's right! White legs!" So the little stinker was listening after all!

Still don't know why she is so confused about the presidents, but I'm sure it'll work itself out.

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