Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Didn't Know It Would Be This Easy

Lauren's been obsessed with babies for the last couple of months, but just in the last few weeks has she decided that she herself is a "cute little baby." She loves nothing more than a snuggle with Mom and her blanket in the morning and enjoys being carried around cradled in my arms. Luckily, this is still in the Adorable Things Toddlers Do phase and not in the Please Stop That phase.

Tonight I read her a story before bed (Are We There Yet? by Alison Lester) and she was clearly getting tired. I asked her if she wanted to get in bed, and she stood up and shuffled over to get in. As I stood up, though, she turned, blanket in hand, and said, "cute little baby?" How can you resist that? So, I picked her up and rocked her in my arms for just a moment before she said, "Put the baby in bed, Mama?" What? Okay, kid! I carefully put her in her bed with her blanket over her and covered her with her sheet. She said, "Fanks, Mom. Good night." and closed her eyes. And, with that, she was in bed and not a peep was heard out of her again!

I just wish it were always this easy!

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