Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today Was A Good Day...

... but nothing really stood out. Lauren did her normal routine in the morning of not wanting to get dressed, but was of course pacified by being treated like a "cute little baby." She did great at VJ's, even taking a nap. On the way home she said she wanted to watch Busytown (Mysteries). When I said, "You want to watch Busytown?", she said, "Yes!" I totally walked into that one. Anyway, dinner was fine and she went to bed pretty easily, of course again using the "cute little baby" treatment she loves so much.

Since there's not much to report today, I'll share some memories.

- Lauren's first "word", aside from "da da da" was "tsss", which meant kitty. From the beginning, she always really loved the cats. Once she got a few more words, she started saying, "Killy (kitty), no barking!" I guess she was listening when I scolded the dogs. :)

- Lauren also really loved the word "no" from the moment she mastered it. The weird thing is that she usually used it to mean "Give that to me." She would pinch her pointer finger and thumb together and sort of point at the toy/cup of milk/book and say, "No. No. Nnnnnn No." Somehow we figured out that meant she was asking (demanding?) for it and it worked. Finally, she got other words and found more appropriate ways to ask for things. She even says please and "fanks" now.

- Lauren has always been fantastic about going to bed, but is a beast in the morning. Hmmm... sounds just like her mother. Anyway, you just stick her in her room and she goes to sleep in a reasonable amount of time. If it's still light out, she'll ususally read for a while or do a puzzle, but she puts herself to bed. She's always been that way, ever since she was tiny. How lucky did we get?

The flipside of that, though, is that she is absolutely awful in the morning. She just hates getting woken up and is a terrible grump for the first half hour or so. We finally have started going in and turning her light on ever so slightly just before we want her to wake up and then turning it up a notch every few minutes. Once she's awake, she needs juice or milk to get her going. Lately, she's been asking for a quick snuggle before she'll deign to be dressed, so I find myself sitting on the toilet (lid down), holding her all wrapped up in her blanket, while trying to do my hair with one hand. Whatever gets her going, I guess.

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