Monday, November 30, 2009

In Her Own Words

Since I didn't blog over the Thanksgiving break, I have quite the collection of Lauren-isms:

- On Thanksgiving, we were killing a little time before dinner with her by playing air hockey. Without either of us calling it that, she said she was, "playing hockey with Mommy!"

- One of the evenings we were trying to get her into bed while she begged for another story. We refused (she'd had 3!) and had her get into bed. The entire time she was whining in her best New York accent, "Ahhhh....guys. Come on!" Has she been watching The Sopranos?

- She ran herself ragged playing at home on Saturday and was just wiped out by 6 pm. I was trying to encourage her to go upstairs and eat, which she was resisting. I don't think she knew what she wanted. I finally got her moving up the stairs, very slowly, when she suddenly stopped and laid down on one of the steps. She looked up at me and said in the clearest, most weary voice, "I think I need to go to bed." Yes, she certainly did!

- We took a walk around the block last night just to get her out of the house. A little over halfway there, she turned to her dad and said, "Pick up the little girl?"

- Last night we were putting her to bed, much to her displeasure. I started to sing, "Rockabye Baby" which normally is something she likes. Last night, though, she said, "No, Mommy! No song. Shhhh.... Quiet!" quite vehemently.

She also mentioned President Obama again when she saw Jeremy wearing his apron (and it is his apron!) to work in the kitchen, so she evidently links aprons and President Obama somehow. How strange!

She's really getting into the imaginary play, which is cute. The other day she fed Jeremy a meal several different times, telling him he had chicken nuggets, dipping sauce, peas, yogurt, and milk. She even wiped his mouth at the end. Tonight, she had me lay down, put pillows under my head and feet, covered me with a blanket and said good night. She then woke me up and offered me juice, pantomiming the action of pouring a drink and screwing the lid on a sippy cup.

On a similar note, she told me the other day as she was getting out of the car that she had a balloon. She even handed it to me as she got out so it wouldn't fly away. :) It's neat to see her developing!

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