Monday, November 9, 2009

Looking at the Bright Side

Lauren seems to have been possessed by a small, energetic demon this morning, so I have nothing cute or funny to report. Nothing at all.

I will, however, share some cute or funny things from the past. Let's go way back:

- When Lauren was just a few weeks old, it quickly became apparent that she was enamored of any and all lights. She would stare blissfully at the hallway lights as we walked underneath them, sometimes with a little half-smile on her face. We became convinced that she would grow up to be an electrician. Or a house plant.

- Once she got a little older, her next obsession was the bear mobile that hung over her bed. She would scream and babble at them whenever she was near them and eventually would try to grab them. I guess I would call them her earliest friends.

- After the bears became passe, Mom and Dad took center stage. We had the faces she recognized most readily and she would smile and babble at us to earn our smiles. Of course, that wasn't hard.

- Even from the earliest days, Lauren has been fiercely independent. She enjoys being around people and likes making others happy, but it's clear that she's really quite happy when she's on her own. The earliest evidence we had of this was when she had crying fits as a baby. Carrying her around or trying to soothe her only made things worse; once you laid her in her crib you could see her visibly relax. Lauren likes other people, but she doesn't need them, and I really like that about her. It's definitely carried over into this age, where she can spend an hour or so just playing and entertaining herself. We definitely won the baby lottery on this one!

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