Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Lauren has been really funny with her one-liners lately, so I thought I'd share a few.

- Last night, she was having a tough evening. She wanted a certain Play-Doh opened that I didn't since it was new. She proceeded to cry about this for nearly 45 minutes. At one point, I went over to her and said, "Lauren, would you like dinner?" She said, "No. I crying." and turned away from me. She eventually got up in her seat when she finished with her not-so-minor tantrum.

- This afternoon, there was a school bus on our street, which she pointed out. I asked her where it was going and she said, "It going shopping." That's my kind of bus.

- The other day we were coloring together. She handed me a crayon and said, "Color inside the lines." Okay, then.

- Tonight, we were at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. There were several wooden parrots hanging from the ceiling. She kept standing up and shouting at them, "Crock-a-doodle-doo!"

- She's also been repeating several phrases from her favorite TV shows: "Silly Max. Open the door." and "Busytown Bug News!"

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