Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Little Charmer

We're having one of those days with Lauren where she's charming us in a million little ways. 2 1/2 really is such a cute, expressive age.

This morning, she was awake before I went in to wake her, which in and of itself is amazing. I could hear her chatting to herself, and when I opened the door, she shouted, "Mama! I awake!" I said, "You're awake?! What are you doing?" She responded, "A really good job." I'm not sure what she was doing, actually, but evidently she's really good at it.

Fast forward to this evening, and she asked for some juice, even saying please. When I handed it to her, she said, "Fanks, Mama. I appreciate it." That just melted my heart.

She was also really cute with Jeremy this evening. He was getting changed after work and she helped him put away his dress clothes. She then picked out his shorts and belt and encouraged him to put on his flip flops. She then decided that she needed flip flops and so started rummaging through her closet until she found some sparkly sandals that evidently will do in a pinch. Properly shod, she started reaching for some clothes in her closet. Jeremy picked her up and she chose a dress. She wanted to put it on immediately, so he helped her do that. Once she had on her dress and shoes, she said, "Go to church?", and, grabbing Jeremy's hand said, "Let's go!" She got him to the door and put his hand on the doorknob and then the deadbolt, trying to encourage him to take her to church. No dice this evening, but it is sweet that she wants to go.

She's just such a loving, smart, funny little girl, and I enjoy her to no end.

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