Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Got Scolded By A Toddler

Lauren is constantly surprising us with new words and phrases. Sometimes the things she says are really cute, some are just fun, and some just make you say, "Huh?"

The other night, Jeremy and I were talking in the living room and, I'll admit, I was raising my voice a little. After a couple of minutes, Lauren came over to me and said, "Mama, settle down." She used a tone that sounded curiously like mine when I tell her the same. Hmmm... wonder where she got that from?

Other linguistic highlights:

- Tonight she said, "I wan' juice please, Mama. I'm firsty." I had never heard her say "thirsty" before.

- Last week, she kept saying, "Silly Clipper!" and laughing hysterically. We had no idea what she was talking out, but it was so funny to see her crack up like that. I think since then that I've figured out that she was saying, "Silly Clifford!" as in the big, red dog. Still not totally sure what that's all about, but it's really cute.

- Today at Mass, she was acting up a little bit, which is actually pretty unusual. Towards the end, she was really losing it and started to kick the pew. Jeremy tried holding her legs to get her to stop. Her only response was to repeatedly say, "Sorry, Daddy!" as she continued to kick. I think she's missing the point.

- Last week, I could hear her saying, "Max... No, Max..." in the exact same tone as Ruby from "Max and Ruby." She's actually quite a mimic.

- She's been singing a ton lately. I've heard snippets of "Jingle Bells", "Old MacDonald", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", "B-I-N-G-O" (though in her version, the dog is called B-L-A-C-K), the days of the week song, and something about being together. It's fun to hear what comes to her mind.

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