Thursday, November 19, 2009

A New Trick

Through her "preschool" work at daycare, Lauren has learned to spell her name. For a while there she was getting off track and adding random o's and e's to her spelling, but she's got it down now. Every day when I get there, she shows me her paper for the day and spells her name at the top. It's really cute, especially as she finishes each time with "Law-WEN!"

Today I was taking a package of diapers into VJ's to restock. I had written her name on it, in cursive. As it flashed past her line of vision, she said, "L-A-U-R-E-N, Law-WEN!" I knew she knew her name on sight, since that's something we've working on for a while, but being able to read it in cursive and with some letters in upper case, is pretty impressive for a two-and-a-half year old!

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