Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just a Few More Days...

... of being two! We're in countdown mode now for sure! Lauren even seems to be getting excited.

Pottytraining is going great. She had one accident today and one today, but twice today requested to go potty, once to (how do I say this?) go #2. I was so proud! I think the accidents were more of a timing issue and I think she's really getting the hang of it! I'm just thrilled.

Today she said two cute things:
-As I was getting her out of the carseat at home, she said, "I want to be free!"
-As I was getting her out of the car at the grocery store she said, "Yay! Broccoli!"

She did a great job sharing today at daycare during the Easter egg hunt when her friend didn't have as many eggs. I'm just so proud of her more and more every day!

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