Thursday, April 29, 2010

Runner Girl, Part II

This afternoon, I get to go meet my running buddy through Girls on the Run, a program that matches tween girls with adult female runners to run with them in their first 5k. Today is our first practice together and I'm so excited to meet my girl.

Because of timing, I have to take Lauren with me and run with her in the stroller. I told her as we were leaving the house that she'd get to run with Mommy today. "Yes!" she says. That really warmed my heart.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lauren is suddenly afraid of things, out of the blue. She's never shown any fear of animals, heights, spiders, loud noises... nothing. In fact, she's quite brave, never really showing any fear of mom and dad leaving the room or fear of jumping from heights or trying new things. Not surprising, considering what a brave, independent girl she is!

Lately, though, she's been acting really jumpy. When we get home and I go to let the dogs out, she rushes to get behind the couch. A couple times, she's verbalized that she's scared of the dogs, but otherwise, she acts completely normal around them. I don't think anything has happened that makes her feel this way; I think it's just a new little anxiety.

This all came to a head last night when she got spooked by our cat, Thomas. He's a small gray cat and tends to skitter around, popping out of shadows when you least expect it. Last night, Lauren was in the hallway and he came out of nowhere. She shouted, "Thomas scared me!" and started laughing. I went back to what I was doing in the kitchen when a few minutes later I hear this banshee-wail coming from down the hall. I was seriously afraid that she'd hurt herself. I found her screaming her way down the hall, in tears. She dove into my arms and cried and cried, finally telling me that Thomas scared her "again!" She was fine after a few minutes, but it really was spooky. I've never seen my poor kiddo like that before! I hope this is a phase that passes quickly.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Running Girl

Lauren has grown up seeing her dad and I going for runs and it's definitely rubbed off. If I have my running clothes on, she'll ask if I'm going for a run. She's been known to put on my iPod and run around the house and she absolutely loves to run outside. We can't wait to get her into some of the kids races we see so often.

This morning, I was headed out for a long run with my friend Karen, when I mentioned to Jeremy that he and Lauren would be welcome to go. She jumped right on that idea! She immediately asked for her most running-like shoes and set about putting them on. She was super happy about geting dressed and getting her hat and coat on. She even went over to the couch and put her leg up as if she was stretching! It was so cute! She got a little tired of sitting in the stroller after a while, but she seemd to have a good time in general. Hopefully that's foreshadowing of what she'll do as an adult!

A few things from the "Where did she learn that?" file:

- This morning, she came into our bed while we were all waking up. She kept saying, "I spy..." Neither of us have ever taught her that; she must have picked that up at daycare.

- For a couple days, she's been carrying around a broom, asking us to hold onto one end while she held on to the other. Finally, she got Jeremy to cooperate just the way she wanted and they both came into the kitchen. "Come on, Mommy!" she said. It suddenly clicked that she was trying to get us to play limbo! How cute is that?

Monday, April 19, 2010

She's Ready!

Today after I picked her up at VJ's, I decided to take her to the park. It was a nice enough day and she's been loving being outside lately.

I watched her playing for a while and then she instructed me to go sit on the bench. She continued to run around and play, occasionally calling out to "Rabbit", whoever that is.

After an hour or so, I told her we needed to pick up and head home. On the way, we drove past another park, one that's probably a favorite. She said, "I'm ready!" "Ready for what, hon?" I asked. "To go to the park!" she said.

A little optimism never hurts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Little Flashes of Attitude

As I've said in recent posts, Lauren's language abilities have grown by leaps and bounds as of late. She's speaking in full sentences pretty much all the time now and is getting really creative in her sentence construction. She's getting the hang of pronouns finally and it's amazing how she picks up new words and adds them to her arsenal on almost a daily basis. It's pretty incredible.

What's not so incredible is that she's also picking up on some bad behaviors and occasionally gets a little bit of an attitude. I thought this wasn't supposed to start so soon!

-Today she was sitting, eating dinner and I fumbled some things in the refrigerator, dropping her sippy cup. It rolled out of the kitchen and past her. She looked at me and said acidly, "What are you doing to my cup, Mama?"

-I can't remember the exact exchange, but she said something with a little bit of incorrect wording. I did what I usually do: repeat what she just said, subbing in the correct word. She gave me the stinkeye, said, "No," and repeated her sentence as it originally was, very slowly and distinctly. You know how people speak slowly and loudly when someone is hard of hearing or doesn't speak English? That's exactly how it was. If she knew how to roll her eyes, she would have.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today's going to be one of those posts where I talk about how cute and funny Lauren has been lately and then can't remember any of it to report. She's really been speaking in full sentences lately and just comes up with these little zingers that are really funny. Not that I remember any of them.

She did go on and on yesterday about where my water bottle was. In the morning, I had it with me. In the afternoon, I had left it at work. This preoccupied her the entire ride home. She'd ask me where it was, I would tell her, and she'd ask again. She'd be a good FBI agent. I don't know that my answer was ever satisfactory.

She amazed me yesterday as we were driving to VJ's. A car pulled in front of us that looks just like Chloe's mom's car. Lauren said, "There's Chloe!" It wasn't, and I felt bad breaking it to her, but I was amazed she could remember the car.

I mentioned right after she turned three that she wasn't able to jump with both feet. Well, she's able to now! We drew some shapes on the sidewalk in chalk over the weekend and she's been using them as a hopscotch board of sorts. As she was hopping around I noticed both feet were coming up at the same time! Also, today she walked up the steps outside with alternating feet. She'd never done that before, either. It's a amazing how things click.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lauren's Photography

Yesterday, Lauren got a hold of our camera and was very interested in learning how to use it. As you can see in the photos below, she did pretty well! She even documented her Pull-up change.

Potty-training is still going well. Today she told us twice when she needed to go, which is fabulous. She's still averaging about an accident a day, but it's really due more to our timing; I think we need to go back to setting alarms. She's patient with it, though, and it doesn't seem to be setting her back. I'm amazed this is going so well!

She did something really cute the other day: she pottied on the toilet like a big girl. As I was getting her all wiped and covered, she said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" like a little show woman. Where did she learn that?

Today, when she went into the public restroom with her dad, they had to wait in line for a moment as there was only one stall. They heard the toilet flush and Lauren loudly exclaimed, "He did it!" This is the same girl that insisted that I receive an M&M for my pottying this morning, so she's definitely getting into it. Enthusiasm for it is half the battle, right?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Going Strong!

We're now just shy of two weeks that Lauren has been using the potty and it's going really, really well. She's averaging only a single accident a day and it's really more because we've lost track of time in taking her. Just in the last day she's told us twice that she needed to go, so I think that's a really good sign. We're really making progress!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Lauren has been saying the oddest things lately, mostly in the car:

-"Mama, I don't want to eat the chicken."

-"Daddy's naked ... Daddy's dressed up."

-"Mommy's driving. I'm driving. I'm going to church."

-She was singing "Pop Goes the Weasel" and we were playing with the words. She got started saying, "Pop Goes the Peanut!" and laughing like a loon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

She is Three!

Lauren made it into the threes! She had a fabulous day yesterday and made out like a little bandit. I think she could get used to this aging thing.

We started out the morning with her finding her Easter basket and getting right into it. I had gotten her mostly little trinkets and toys to try to stave off the sugar-fest, but had gotten a couple of pieces of chocolate as well. Of the trinkets and toys, she loved the kaleidoscope the best; I'm surprised I don't have a black eye from her shoving it in my face every couple of minutes. "Look at the colors, Mama!"

After that we made a little pancake breakfast and I even managed to make Lauren's pancake look like Mickey Mouse. This was a huge hit and I'm sure I'm going to be asked to "Make Mickey Mouse?" until the cows come home. She got to try using a child-sized knife to cut her pancakes for the first time, but ended up picking up Mickey by the ears and eating him from the chin up. Little cannibal.

Once that was all done, she got to open some gifts. I'm not sure how much she understood of the whole Easter AND birthday thing, but she certainlny wasn't objecting. She got a lot of nice things that are just perfect for her now: books, puzzles, more food for her kitchen. She's a lucky little girl!

After some playtime, we headed out to Granny Sarah's for Easter with the family. Lauren got to do a little egg hunt inside, though I'm not totally sure she gets that either. There were many, many eggs at her height, but she only picked up selected ones. Still was fun,though, and I have a feeling next year will be a free-for-all.

When it came to dinnertime, Lauren didn't eat at all. Of course. She was content to sit for about 5 minutes while we ate and then wanted to play. When it was time for dessert, she was more than willing to come to the table, though. She seemed embarrassed as we all sang to her, but was not embarrassed at all by the vast amounts of frosting she got on her face. Typical.

After that, it was straight into bed for the little monkey. Nothing to report there. She was a pretty tired little girl, naturally! It was a great start to her year!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tomorrow She Will Be Three

We just put Lauren to the bed for the last time as a two year old! What a bittersweet feeling. She seems to know that tomorrow is her birtday, but not quite what it means. She did tell me that we needed to go somewhere so that "friends can say happy birthday to Lauwen." Though, if you ask her how old she's going to be, she says "twelve" about half the time.

I've been reflecting on all of the things Lauren has done in the last year:
-She's really mastered speech and can share most of her ideas in complete sentences. She's constantly surprising and entertaining us with the things she says. She can also follow pretty complex verbal instructions.
-She's become quite a bit more physical, running and jumping with ease. She also does a really great somersault.
-Her coloring technique has improved greatly and she's starting to be able to make shapes.
-She's mastered her colors and shapes, can name all the months, say the alphabet, and can count to 22. She can recognize and spell her name.
-She's beginning to understand cause and effect and correlations; when she hears the nails of the dog clicking in our room, she knows the dog's going to sleep (especially if it's Jasper!)
-She's beginning to understand size relationships and here vs. there. She also knows the difference between boys and girls but mixes up the pronouns.
-She's started engaging in imaginary play, especially in relation to playing cook.
-She also shows a lot of interest in helping around the house, especially sweeping and cooking. She also is very good about asking for help when she needs it.
-She's been sleeping in a big girl bed ever since May of last year and has done really well with it. She occasionally wakes up around 3 am but gets herself back to sleep just fine.
-Potty training is still going really well; she's averaging about 90% using the potty and has even told us a couple of times when she needs to go. Still keeping fingers crossed!
-I think her personality has developed even more. She's a bright, charming little girl who loves fiercely and reacts fiercely when she isn't happy. She's independent and stubborn, both of which I think are very good things though a little difficult to negotiate at times. It's just been really fun to see her figure out who she is and I can't wait for that to continue.

Lauren is just such a joy in our lives and I can't wait to see what she's going to do next. She's more than we could have ever asked for. We love our girl very much and are endlessly proud of her! Let's see what great things the next year brings!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Good Day

This morning was my last day of Spring Break, and I took the opportunity to sleep in. I got Lauren up with the intention of taking her to VJ's and then going on to the gym. She, of course, wanted to snuggle, so I brought her into bed with me and gave her a cup of juice. We spent the next 15 minutes snuggling. And then another 15 minutes. And a little more. Finally, she said to me, "Mama, I don't wanna go to Miss VJ's." How can you argue with that?

So after the snugglefest, she and I got up and had a little breakfast. Then she watched some Sesame Street clips while I cleaned up around the house. I've posted a really cute video of her laughing at Adam Sandler and Elmo below.

After lunch, she and I went to three different grocery stores, looking for all the ingredients for this week's meals. She was getting really tired toward the end, but she was really sweet and helpful the whole time. In stores, it's a little hard to keep her near me and she doesn't love riding in carts, but she's working on it and we do okay together. Plus, she got stickers at Trader Joe's, so she was fine. I left early tonight to go out for a Bunco night, so I didn't get to see her off to bed and finish the day, but it was a wonderful day overall. I love my girl and feel so lucky to have her in my life!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just a Few More Days...

... of being two! We're in countdown mode now for sure! Lauren even seems to be getting excited.

Pottytraining is going great. She had one accident today and one today, but twice today requested to go potty, once to (how do I say this?) go #2. I was so proud! I think the accidents were more of a timing issue and I think she's really getting the hang of it! I'm just thrilled.

Today she said two cute things:
-As I was getting her out of the carseat at home, she said, "I want to be free!"
-As I was getting her out of the car at the grocery store she said, "Yay! Broccoli!"

She did a great job sharing today at daycare during the Easter egg hunt when her friend didn't have as many eggs. I'm just so proud of her more and more every day!