Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today's going to be one of those posts where I talk about how cute and funny Lauren has been lately and then can't remember any of it to report. She's really been speaking in full sentences lately and just comes up with these little zingers that are really funny. Not that I remember any of them.

She did go on and on yesterday about where my water bottle was. In the morning, I had it with me. In the afternoon, I had left it at work. This preoccupied her the entire ride home. She'd ask me where it was, I would tell her, and she'd ask again. She'd be a good FBI agent. I don't know that my answer was ever satisfactory.

She amazed me yesterday as we were driving to VJ's. A car pulled in front of us that looks just like Chloe's mom's car. Lauren said, "There's Chloe!" It wasn't, and I felt bad breaking it to her, but I was amazed she could remember the car.

I mentioned right after she turned three that she wasn't able to jump with both feet. Well, she's able to now! We drew some shapes on the sidewalk in chalk over the weekend and she's been using them as a hopscotch board of sorts. As she was hopping around I noticed both feet were coming up at the same time! Also, today she walked up the steps outside with alternating feet. She'd never done that before, either. It's a amazing how things click.

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