Saturday, April 24, 2010

Running Girl

Lauren has grown up seeing her dad and I going for runs and it's definitely rubbed off. If I have my running clothes on, she'll ask if I'm going for a run. She's been known to put on my iPod and run around the house and she absolutely loves to run outside. We can't wait to get her into some of the kids races we see so often.

This morning, I was headed out for a long run with my friend Karen, when I mentioned to Jeremy that he and Lauren would be welcome to go. She jumped right on that idea! She immediately asked for her most running-like shoes and set about putting them on. She was super happy about geting dressed and getting her hat and coat on. She even went over to the couch and put her leg up as if she was stretching! It was so cute! She got a little tired of sitting in the stroller after a while, but she seemd to have a good time in general. Hopefully that's foreshadowing of what she'll do as an adult!

A few things from the "Where did she learn that?" file:

- This morning, she came into our bed while we were all waking up. She kept saying, "I spy..." Neither of us have ever taught her that; she must have picked that up at daycare.

- For a couple days, she's been carrying around a broom, asking us to hold onto one end while she held on to the other. Finally, she got Jeremy to cooperate just the way she wanted and they both came into the kitchen. "Come on, Mommy!" she said. It suddenly clicked that she was trying to get us to play limbo! How cute is that?

1 comment:


    I spy with my little eye............
