Sunday, April 18, 2010

Little Flashes of Attitude

As I've said in recent posts, Lauren's language abilities have grown by leaps and bounds as of late. She's speaking in full sentences pretty much all the time now and is getting really creative in her sentence construction. She's getting the hang of pronouns finally and it's amazing how she picks up new words and adds them to her arsenal on almost a daily basis. It's pretty incredible.

What's not so incredible is that she's also picking up on some bad behaviors and occasionally gets a little bit of an attitude. I thought this wasn't supposed to start so soon!

-Today she was sitting, eating dinner and I fumbled some things in the refrigerator, dropping her sippy cup. It rolled out of the kitchen and past her. She looked at me and said acidly, "What are you doing to my cup, Mama?"

-I can't remember the exact exchange, but she said something with a little bit of incorrect wording. I did what I usually do: repeat what she just said, subbing in the correct word. She gave me the stinkeye, said, "No," and repeated her sentence as it originally was, very slowly and distinctly. You know how people speak slowly and loudly when someone is hard of hearing or doesn't speak English? That's exactly how it was. If she knew how to roll her eyes, she would have.

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