Monday, April 5, 2010

She is Three!

Lauren made it into the threes! She had a fabulous day yesterday and made out like a little bandit. I think she could get used to this aging thing.

We started out the morning with her finding her Easter basket and getting right into it. I had gotten her mostly little trinkets and toys to try to stave off the sugar-fest, but had gotten a couple of pieces of chocolate as well. Of the trinkets and toys, she loved the kaleidoscope the best; I'm surprised I don't have a black eye from her shoving it in my face every couple of minutes. "Look at the colors, Mama!"

After that we made a little pancake breakfast and I even managed to make Lauren's pancake look like Mickey Mouse. This was a huge hit and I'm sure I'm going to be asked to "Make Mickey Mouse?" until the cows come home. She got to try using a child-sized knife to cut her pancakes for the first time, but ended up picking up Mickey by the ears and eating him from the chin up. Little cannibal.

Once that was all done, she got to open some gifts. I'm not sure how much she understood of the whole Easter AND birthday thing, but she certainlny wasn't objecting. She got a lot of nice things that are just perfect for her now: books, puzzles, more food for her kitchen. She's a lucky little girl!

After some playtime, we headed out to Granny Sarah's for Easter with the family. Lauren got to do a little egg hunt inside, though I'm not totally sure she gets that either. There were many, many eggs at her height, but she only picked up selected ones. Still was fun,though, and I have a feeling next year will be a free-for-all.

When it came to dinnertime, Lauren didn't eat at all. Of course. She was content to sit for about 5 minutes while we ate and then wanted to play. When it was time for dessert, she was more than willing to come to the table, though. She seemed embarrassed as we all sang to her, but was not embarrassed at all by the vast amounts of frosting she got on her face. Typical.

After that, it was straight into bed for the little monkey. Nothing to report there. She was a pretty tired little girl, naturally! It was a great start to her year!

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