Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lauren is suddenly afraid of things, out of the blue. She's never shown any fear of animals, heights, spiders, loud noises... nothing. In fact, she's quite brave, never really showing any fear of mom and dad leaving the room or fear of jumping from heights or trying new things. Not surprising, considering what a brave, independent girl she is!

Lately, though, she's been acting really jumpy. When we get home and I go to let the dogs out, she rushes to get behind the couch. A couple times, she's verbalized that she's scared of the dogs, but otherwise, she acts completely normal around them. I don't think anything has happened that makes her feel this way; I think it's just a new little anxiety.

This all came to a head last night when she got spooked by our cat, Thomas. He's a small gray cat and tends to skitter around, popping out of shadows when you least expect it. Last night, Lauren was in the hallway and he came out of nowhere. She shouted, "Thomas scared me!" and started laughing. I went back to what I was doing in the kitchen when a few minutes later I hear this banshee-wail coming from down the hall. I was seriously afraid that she'd hurt herself. I found her screaming her way down the hall, in tears. She dove into my arms and cried and cried, finally telling me that Thomas scared her "again!" She was fine after a few minutes, but it really was spooky. I've never seen my poor kiddo like that before! I hope this is a phase that passes quickly.

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