Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lauren's Photography

Yesterday, Lauren got a hold of our camera and was very interested in learning how to use it. As you can see in the photos below, she did pretty well! She even documented her Pull-up change.

Potty-training is still going well. Today she told us twice when she needed to go, which is fabulous. She's still averaging about an accident a day, but it's really due more to our timing; I think we need to go back to setting alarms. She's patient with it, though, and it doesn't seem to be setting her back. I'm amazed this is going so well!

She did something really cute the other day: she pottied on the toilet like a big girl. As I was getting her all wiped and covered, she said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" like a little show woman. Where did she learn that?

Today, when she went into the public restroom with her dad, they had to wait in line for a moment as there was only one stall. They heard the toilet flush and Lauren loudly exclaimed, "He did it!" This is the same girl that insisted that I receive an M&M for my pottying this morning, so she's definitely getting into it. Enthusiasm for it is half the battle, right?

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