Friday, April 2, 2010

A Good Day

This morning was my last day of Spring Break, and I took the opportunity to sleep in. I got Lauren up with the intention of taking her to VJ's and then going on to the gym. She, of course, wanted to snuggle, so I brought her into bed with me and gave her a cup of juice. We spent the next 15 minutes snuggling. And then another 15 minutes. And a little more. Finally, she said to me, "Mama, I don't wanna go to Miss VJ's." How can you argue with that?

So after the snugglefest, she and I got up and had a little breakfast. Then she watched some Sesame Street clips while I cleaned up around the house. I've posted a really cute video of her laughing at Adam Sandler and Elmo below.

After lunch, she and I went to three different grocery stores, looking for all the ingredients for this week's meals. She was getting really tired toward the end, but she was really sweet and helpful the whole time. In stores, it's a little hard to keep her near me and she doesn't love riding in carts, but she's working on it and we do okay together. Plus, she got stickers at Trader Joe's, so she was fine. I left early tonight to go out for a Bunco night, so I didn't get to see her off to bed and finish the day, but it was a wonderful day overall. I love my girl and feel so lucky to have her in my life!


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