Saturday, January 9, 2010

Clever Girl!

Lauren said some really smart things yesterday that I wanted to share.

- We were driving home from daycare and she was looking at a book. She told me that she found a square. I asked her what color. "Light blue," she says. She was right, too!

- As I got in the backseat to undo her carseat buckles, she said, "Is it still raining, Mama?" I'd never heard her used 'still' before, but she did it again today.

- When we got home, she was eating an apple. She kept putting her finger on the stem, so I told her that apples grow on trees and that the stem keeps the apple on the tree. "It's like a stick," she said. Again, she was right!

We did a little potty-training today and it was pretty successful! She went on the potty probably 8 out of the 10 times. I do think this is the right time, so we'll see how it goes!

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