Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here She Comes!

This afternoon, as I was walking up to Veejay's to pick Lauren up from daycare, I could hear happy little voices outside. Today was near 50, and this was their first trip out in ages. They were all so thrilled!

As I got closer, I heard this one sweet little voice bellowing over the others. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but it was clearly Lauren's voice. As I stepped in the gate, I saw her on this swing-like thing, being pushed by Miss Veejay. It took her a minute to even notice I was there, but once she did she shouted, "Mama! I on swing with Miss Bee-jay!" I started talking to Miss Veejay and Miss Suzie about her day while Lauren continued to swing. Over our conversation, I heard her said, "It's the Law-wen train!" I laughed and asked her what she said. She just answered me with a "chug a chug a choo choo!" What a funny little girl!

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