Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lefty or Righty?

Once Lauren began to reach and grab at things, I watched her carefully to see whether she's right or left handed. I figured she'd be right handed since that's what both Jeremy and I are, but the thing is, I'm not so sure. From the very beginning, she grabbed at things with both hands equally, with maybe even a bit of a preference for the left. I began watching her even more closely, waiting to see if a clear handedness would develop.

The interesting thing is, it hasn't. She isn't clearly right or left handed. She tends to eat with her left hand when she's using her fingers, but uses a fork or spoon with her right. Most of the time, she colors with her right hand, but also does just as well with her left and tends to switch every so often. She always points at things with her left hand and mostly picks things up and arranges things with her left. It's really odd. I think this is one I'll have to keep you posted on!

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