Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Little Super Beast

Lauren had her third Super Beasts class tonight and did really well. She already understands the routine of it all and is getting really good at following directions. That's the one piece I was worried about with her joining an older class, but I think she'll be fine. When it's time to get the music out at the beginning of class, she runs up, selects her instrument (tonight: maracas and jingle bells) and runs back to my lap. When it's time to put them away, she does so immediately and seems to want to help the other kids. I teared up a little tonight watching that, I'll admit. She's just getting to be such a big girl.

Tonight she wasn't as interested in the exploration time as she was the first night. She's actually more interested in looking at the different parts of the apparatus: the place where the bars connect to the ground and the screw that raises and lowers the beam. I figured she'd look at that a while and then quit when she saw the other kids having fun, but no. Maybe next week she'll actually use the equipment. She did try both of the tricks of the week, though: the forward roll on the balance beam and a back handspring over a bolster. Well spotted, of course.

Lauren's favorite part of all is at the end when they get a stamp on both feet, both hands, and their tummy. The stamp tonight was a red star and she wore it proudly. So happy was she, in fact, that she kept trying to sneak back in line to get more stamps. Goofy girl.

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