Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lauren's Guide to Speaking English

As with any toddler, Lauren has some really cute pronunciations of words. Some she's grown out of quickly, but others have stuck. My favorites:

"Wal-ler" = water

"Liarm" = alarm

"Mee-nah" used to = banana

"Killy" used to = kitty

"Yoguck" used to = yogurt

"Back-cack" = backpack

"Umblella" = umbrella

"Bul-lerfly" = butterfly

Lauren says the "th" sound as "f", so "thanks" becomes "fanks" and "anything" becomes "anyFING." It's really cute.

She's also said a couple of really cute things lately:

- She's persisting in the President Obama thing. She was wearing her Carolina shirt, so I pointed to it and said, "Look, babe, you're wearing your Carolina shirt!" "No, Mom," she said with a hint of irritation, "It's President Obama."

- The other day, I wanted to lie down for a nap, and Lauren helped tuck me in. Jeremy was hovering in the doorway and she pushed him out saying, "Stay back, Daddy." As she shut the door behind them, I heard her say, "Go cook dinner, Daddy." That's my girl!

- She pointed out a leaf that was skittering across the parking lot due to the wind and told me it was walking. I thought that was pretty clever.

- She's had a runny nose ever since that cold last week and a couple days ago, I told her I needed to get her a tissue. "No! No tiss-me!" she wailed. I thought that was pretty clever as well!

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